Gold Market Wire
News, analysis and commentary for gold traders and investors
Silver Market Update
Silver Starts to Shine
November 8, 2021 - (Gold Market Wire) -Friday's finish was good and strong and has added to the bullish tenor this European a.m. Our finish up at $24.14, almost the days' high, is an encouraging sign. Moreover, the clearing of the downtrend line (below) on the close is another positive.

It's enough to make one go "all in", which is why we won't. That channel opening looks so inviting its enough to make one run through the field barefoot. But this is Silver, and we are wary...very wary. And rightfully so. Our year to date has been a testimony to 'the discipline' for keeping us out of harms way - and even garnering some decent profit - while others have been churned up. We remain cautious. This market is littered with dead bodies, and people long at higher levels who never pulled the trigger to get out and seek a better entry point. Our length at $23.50 is serving us well, and now, we stand on guard, ready to take profit. Yes, we know that sounds like sacrilege, but if we are called apostates by others, we will let that be. This market is littered with corpses, and we have no desire to become one of them.
We are set to let this market run, (especially as our core was built much lower) but we are going to stand 1/3 the length to liquidate if the first (purple) power uptrend is broken - even intra-day. The Blue line will indicate where we will trade out of the second 1/3; and at the main trend line we will cut the balance.

Discipline demands clearly defined levels for trading out - and we have set them. That's the plan...and we will trade it. If the market continues to move higher, and it probably should, we will re-assess, day by day.