Precious Metals Paint a Mixed Picture
...Gold Shows Strength, While Silver Lags
Gold Awaits Fed and Season of Crisis
...enjoy the last days of calm.
The Gold Bulls Sing in Perfect Unison
...which is why we hug the sidelines
Gold Pushes Higher In "Silly Season"
...and silver starts to move.
Gold's Rising Wedge Threatens Rally
...Silver refuses to confirm.
Friday's Bell Is Tolling for The Metals
... as Silver flirts with potential sell-off.
Silver Leads The Metals Lower the global markets reel.
Gold: A Matter of Perspective
...sometimes it depends on where you're standing.
Gold Sell Off Gathers Momentum
as always....those who chased strength are in trouble.
Silver Touches Down on the 'Fib'
...our first target
Silver's Failure Signal Gold Top
...Silver is pulling back.
Gold Powers Ahead As Political Confidence Wanes
...assassination attempts have consequences.
Silver Moves towards Resistance
...decisive point approaches.
Gold and Silver Move Higher
...the market takes out insurance for the long weekend.
Houston...We have a problem...
...that didn't take long.
Silver Struggles to Regain Momentum's the bounce that counts.
Silver: The Big Picture
...mapping out the channel.
Gold Market: Checking the "Fibs"
....bouncing off the first retracement.
Gold Loses Trend Line - Tries to Mount Recovery
...after the sell-off.
Commodities Recover: Silver Gets Ready for Challenge
...power down trend has fallen.
Silver Shredded as Commodity Complex Gets Stung
...starting with Crude Oil - and impacting everything.
The Classic Sign of a Bull Market
...and why we have further to run.
Precious Metals Pullback from Run
...there are no free rides, even on the bull.
Silver Stairway to Heaven
...or at least to the Stars