Gold Market Wire
News, analysis and commentary for gold traders and investors
Silver Market Update
Silver: Has The Mania Begun ?
October 7, 2024 - (Gold Market Wire) - Silver's closing was a ecouraging development for bulls on Friday. The horizontal line has been crossed and closed on well.

A positive chart, that needs no comment. The daily picture is also encouraging.

The odds of a serious move to the upside in Silver are growing. One need not count the reasons...failure in Ukraine; excessive debt; collapsing western (and global!) political systems; China's continued ability, even under stress, to gather an increasingly large share of the world economy. You name it - it's there.
Not much can be added to the picture. Now you need only open a "newspaper" and pick one of a million articles to see why Silver should move higher - and of course, with it, Gold. (Silver is laggard here - so it should have more room to move.)
Length is the order of the day.