Gold Market Wire
News, analysis and commentary for gold traders and investors
Gold Market Update
Silver Shines
November 28, 2023 - (Gold Market Wire) - Silver is bumping up against horizontal resistance after a run that has been spectacular, even by Silver standards. The last two days have been powerful, but now we face the challenge of getting through horizontal resistance.

The Gap and Consolidate move has been the theme - the theme of a serious Bull charging.

Recent dollar weakness has certainly helped, but we should note that Silver has taken on about 15% from the October 3 low, while EUR/USD has gained about 4.7%. That's the kind of alpha we could get used to.
None of this has been lost on Gold, which is approaching these run up with the kind of steady advance that Bulls dream about when they doze in the grassy fields. This is text-book stuff. Silver charging and leading, and Gold ambling after its little brother - offering words of encouragement (and sometimes caution). We wouldn't want it any other way. Jim told us it would be like this.

The key was recognizing our slingshot early on, back in the first days of October. Those late nights pouring over the Tomes of the masters have finally paid off. Now our upper channel is calling in Gold. Let's see how we do.